Sticks of Joseph and Joseph

Sticks of Joseph and Joseph

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Happy Birthday, Pres. Monson!

Today we celebrate Pres. Thomas S. Monson's birthday! He was born on August 21, 1927 in Salt Lake City, Utah to G. Spencer and Gladys Condie Monson. He helped serve and take care of his neighbors especially the widows. When Pres. Monson was young he developed a love for swimming and fly fishing. Other interests that continued from boyhood include raising Birmingham roller pigeons (performing birds that roll over backward while flying) and watching football, basketball, and baseball.

President Monson graduated from West High School in Salt Lake City, served in the U.S. Navy during the closing months of World War II, and studied business management at the University of Utah. In 1948 he graduated and on October 7 married his sweetheart, Frances Beverly Johnson, in the Salt Lake Temple. The couple later became the parents of three children and have nine grandchildren. he was called to be a bishop at age 22. Bishop Monson’s 67th Ward had more than 1,000 members, including 85 widows.

Every Christmas the young bishop took a week of his personal vacation time to visit and bring a gift to each of the widows in his ward. He continued to visit these sisters at Christmas for the next 47 years until the last widow passed away in 1998.

At age 27, President Monson was called as a counselor in the Temple View Stake Presidency, and a few years later he was called to serve as president of the Canadian Mission. On October 4, 1963, he was ordained an Apostle at age 36 (the youngest Apostle in 53 years), and on November 10, 1985, he became a counselor in the First Presidency at age 58 (the youngest in the 20th century).

When Pres. Hinckley passed away in January of 2008, Pres. Monson became the 16th prophet February 4, 2008. He continues to lead and guide us today! We thank thee O God for a prophet! I love our prophet.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Here's something I don't understand

So I've been thinking about things lately. Ok, for quite awhile. Why is it people persecute the Church? Why did they have to tar and feather Joseph Smith and other leaders of the Church for worshiping God? Why kill others for their religion and beliefs? Now I know it's Satan planting those seeds of contention and whatnot in people. They need to break down their pride and just attend a meeting or talk to a member of the Church about what they believe instead of mocking and ridiculing them? You don't see members of the LDS Church protesting others church meetings or whatever they may be doing. You don't see us mocking and ridiculing other religions. You don't hear us preaching about other religions and bringing their religion down in our meetings. So why should those "Christian" churches do such things? I'd like to know where in the Bible it says to preach "bad things" about other religions! Where does Christ say "tear down my children and tar and feather them" Where does it say that? So for those who don't know about the LDS Church, don't listen to the anti's. Talk to a member of the Church! Learn the truth for yourself! Just had to get that out. :)