Sticks of Joseph and Joseph

Sticks of Joseph and Joseph

Monday, June 27, 2011

June 27, 1844

On this day in 1844, Joseph and Hyrum Smith were martyred in Carthage Jail. Joseph, Hyrum and others had been taken to Carthage to await trail. Joseph, Hyrum, John Taylor and Willard Richards were the only ones left in the room on that fateful day. Joseph had John sing "A Poorway Fairing Man of Grief." They did things to keep their minds off of what could happen to them. At 5:00 pm, a mob rushed the jail. They were painted to disguise themselves. The four kept the door shut as best as they could. Shots were fired through the door and the window. Hyrum was the first hit. he was shot in the face. He said "I'm a dead man." and he died. Joseph mourned for his brother. John Taylor tried to jump out the window but was shot in the leg and in the chest but his pocket watch stopped the bullet forever reminding everyone the time of the martyr. Joseph jumped out of the window and was shot in the back and front. His last words were "my Lord my God." He and his brother Hyrum were not divided in life nor in death. Joseph restored Christ's Church on this Earth. He was a man of God. Hyrum was a great brother to Joseph helping him through his trials and also with translating the Book of Mormon. John Taylor later wrote and was included in Doctrine and Covenants 135:3: Joseph Smith, the Prophet and Seer of the Lord, has done more, save Jesus only, for the salvation of men in this world, than any other man that ever lived in it. In the short space of twenty years, he has brought forth the Book of Mormon, which he translated by the gift and power of God, and has been the means of publishing it on two continents; has sent the fulness of the everlasting gospel, which it contained, to the four quarters of the earth; has brought forth the revelations and commandments which compose this book of Doctrine and Covenants, and many other wise documents and instructions for the benefit of the children of men; gathered many thousands of the Latter-day Saints, founded a great city, and left a fame and name that cannot be slain. He lived great, and he died great in the eyes of God and his people; and like most of the Lord’s anointed in ancient times, has sealed his mission and his works with his own blood; and so has his brother Hyrum. In life they were not divided, and in death they were not separated!
John Taylor did survive and had surgery. He became the third president of the Church. Willard Richards also survived and left without a scratch. He helped John Taylor to the basement where there were other jail cells to keep him safe in case the mob came back.

They are my heroes! I cannot wait to meet them in the next life. I'm grateful for Joseph for going in the grove in the Spring of 1820 to ask God which church to join. I don't know where I'd be or what I'd be doing or even how I would be if I was not part of this restored Gospel. It's true! And something I'm grateful for and hold dear to me.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Happy Birthday, Jane Johnston Black

Yesterday was my 4th Great Grandma Jane Johnston Black's birthday. I did a little thing for her.

Jane Johnston Black was born June 11, 1801 in Antrim Ireland to Daniel Johnston and Margaret Chambers. Her father was a minister for the Wesleyan Methodists. She took over for him when she was 16 and was a minister til she was 20 when she lived with William Black, who was her guardian when her father passed away. William "Y" Black was in the British army and came home and courted Jane. They married July 31, 1822. They had four children: William Valentine, Mary, George and Joseph Smith Black (he's my 3rd Great Grandpa!). In 1834 or 35, they moved to Manchester, England for work. While there, they heard the Mormon Missionaries. William Clayton (who wrote "Come, Come Ye Saints") and Joseph Fielding spoke of the restored Gospel. They both believed and were baptized Jan. 14th, 1839. They were also friends of John Taylor's and Brigham Young's who were also serving there. William desired to become a missionary and went with John Taylor and others to Ireland to preach the gospel. While William was on his mission, Mary had gone to Kirtland with a few Saints and in 1840, Jane and her 3 boys sailed to Nauvoo. There was a bad storm. One of the older boys had said something in tongues and Jane interpreted it saying that they'd dock in England and they'd continued on and be safe. The ship Chaos was docked the next day a few got off but they continued onto Nauvoo. They arrived in Nauvoo and met the Prophet Joseph Smith. She was excited to meet the Prophet of God. He had called her to be a midwife.

When Joseph, his brother Hyrum, Willard Richards and John Taylor were in Carthage, Joseph and Hyrum were murdered. Willard Richards was the only one not harmed. John Taylor was hit twice. One in the leg and the other in the chest but his pocket watch had stopped the bullet. John Taylor wouldn't let them operated until Jane was there. She had asked him later why he sent for her. He said "Because I knew there was none better at such a job, and wanted you to stand at the morning of the resurrection and testify to the Lord against the assassins who murdered the Prophet and his brother Hyrum." She helped nurse him back to health. William had come home before then and had to go to Canada to get his pension from the army. When people where trying to figure out who was to become the next prophet, Brigham Young spoke and Jane heard and saw Joseph in Brigham. She knew, as with others, that he was to become the next prophet. He had called her to become a midwife when they crossed the plains and told her that she wouldn't lose a mother or child. She didn't.

When they were going to cross the Mississippi, the mobs were trying to take their fire arms. She had one in her bosom. She pulled it out and said she'd use it before they could take it from her. They left her alone. Another time she was hiding the guns under a quilt. The mob asked her what she was doing. She told them that they had the power to resurrect and that's what she was doing. The men said she was crazy and they left her alone saving the arms!

They crossed the plains and settled in Utah. Brigham and called them to move to Manti. They later moved to Rockville. Jane was called to amputate a man's leg. The man was swearing and mad. She said that he should be thankful. He asked why and she said "because you didn't lose both legs." She had amputated his leg with just a butcher knife.

When she passed away she was in her home and her daughter in law came to help her. Sarah's 12 year old son Parley came. He said ‘I remember I was sitting on a chair in the front room by Grandma and she called my mother, who was in the kitchen, and wanted her to open the door. She came in and said, ‘there is no one out there.’ Grandma said, ‘Joseph and Hyrum is out there.’ Uncle Parley said, ‘I was just a young boy but I remember it seemed like every hair on my head stood up. Mother walked over and opened the door to satisfy Grandma, then mother walked back into the kitchen and Grandma just slumped down in her chair and was gone.’ Uncle Parley really felt Joseph Smith and Hyrum came to escort Grandma Jane to the spirit world. From Rita N. Black who married a decedent of Joseph Smith Black.

Jane was a woman of courage and strength. She is my hero. I love hearing and reading the stories about her. She's just a wonderful woman and one of my heroes! I can't wait til I pass on and can meet her and my other ancestors. That will be an awesome family reunion! That's one I'll REALLY be looking forward to. So Happy Birthday, Jane! You're in my heart! I want to be like her firm in the faith.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Joseph Smith, Jr

What better place to start out with Joseph Smith, Jr! Joseph was born Dec. 23, 1805 in Sharon, Vermont to Joseph Smith Sr and Lucy Mack. They moved to Palmyra, New York which during that time, there was many religions talking and arguing about the Kingdom of Heaven. Joseph had wondered which church was true. He had studied the Bible and turned to James 1:5. During the spring morning in 1820, he went out to the grove near his home and prayed to the Father about it. He felt a dark presence that tried to stop him from praying. When he almost gave up a light descended upon him. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appeared to the 14 year old farm boy. Joseph asked which church to join. Christ told him to join none of them. He went back home after the vision and told his mother about it. The Angel Moroni appeared to him telling him of gold plates buried in the Hill Cumorah. Moroni was the last of the Ancient American prophets of the Book of Mormon. He showed Joseph the place where the plates were. Joseph was to wait 5 years to obtain the Gold Plates. When Joseph received the Plates, he hid them and showed nobody as the Angel Moroni had told him. Joseph Smith married Emma Hale on Jan. 18th. He started translating the Gold Plates. Martin Harris was his first scribe. After losing the 116 pages of the Book of Lehi, they pleaded and repented of their sins to continue translating. Joseph listened to God and never questioned Him after that experience. Oliver Cowdry was also his scribe. They had read about baptism and the priesthood. They were shown and taught many things concerning faith, baptism and the sacrament. April 6, 1830, the Church was organized! Many were baptized and leaders were ordained. Joseph Smith, Jr was prophet of the Church. He called 12 to be his apostles. The Priesthood keys were restored and given to Joseph Smith. The Book of Mormon had been published!

Missionaries were sent to preach the Gospel of Christ. Joseph went through many hardships and persecution. They were driven from New York to Kirtland, Ohio where they built a temple to God. They set up another branch of the Church in Missouri. Persecution followed. Many were tarred and feathered. Joseph Smith and Sydney Rigdon, an apostle, were tarred and feathered. The mob tried to poison Joseph. They chipped his tooth when they tried to force it down him. After the mob left, family members brought Joseph and Sydney in their homes and cleaned them up. The next day was Sunday, the mob thought that Joseph wouldn't show himself. Joseph, though weak, came out and preached about forgiveness. Many of the mob left. Joseph was put in Liberty Jail along with his brother Hyrum and other men. They had been driven from Kirtland to join the rest of the saints in Missouri. The mob became worse. They ran the women, children, old and sick out of their homes in the winter. They fled to Nauvoo, Ill.

Joseph was released from Liberty. He had gone through many trials there. Listening to the men slander and talk about what evil they had done to the members. Joseph had told them to stop. They left and stopped talking about it. They built up Nauvoo even with many people becoming sick because of the mosquitoes and other fevers. It was called Commerce then changed to Nauvoo meaning "City Beautiful" it's also called "The City of Joseph." Their city was growing. Members from all over were moving to Nauvoo and other places outside of Nauvoo. Persecution mounted. Joseph's life was still in more danger. They had started building the Nauvoo Temple. Everyone worked on it. New commandments were coming. The Doctrine and Covenants were now printed.

Joseph Smith was called to go to Carthage to stand trial. His brother Hyrum, went with. Along with Willard Richards, John Taylor and other men. They went to Carthage. The 4 men were the only ones in the upper room in the Carthage Jail June 27, 1844 when men stormed the jail shooting. They held the door shut. Hyrum was first to be hit and was killed. The mob stormed in and shots were fired. Willard Richards was behind the door, John Taylor was hit twice was under a mattress. Joseph Smith jumped out of the window and was shot from the men who were outside of the ground. Williard Richard and John Taylor survived. Willard wasn't hurt. John was shot in the leg and a bullet hit his pocket watch saving his life and telling the time of Joseph and Hyrum's death. They're bodies were taken to Nauvoo, where the Saints mourned the loss of their leader. The mob though if they killed the Prophet of the Mormon Church, the Church would dissolve. Not so! It's God's true Church not Joseph's! The Church has grown strong since April 6,1830! It's all over the world as Joseph had prophesied.

Joseph Smith was a wonderful man and prophet. I love him. He is a hero of mine because of all he went through, he was still strong in the faith and close to the Lord.


I thought about doing a blog on the LDS Church. I'm doing as the apostles have told us to do. To spread the Gospel through social media, blogs and other places. So this is what this blog is about! The Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, etc!

I was born a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS). I was baptized at the age of 8. I have pioneer ancestors who joined the Church from their homelands (English, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and Denmark) to join the body of the Saints in Nauvoo then onto the Salt Lake Valley. I love my ancestors. I served a service mission in Salt Lake City, Utah in the Church and Family History mission. I worked in the Family History Library helping patrons find fims, fiche, books and other things. I served for a year and LOVED it! I wouldn't have traded that for anything. I did my own work and found more things on my mom's side. She's the only member in her family. She joined the Church at 19. I love my ancestors on my mom's side but I guess I love my pioneer ancestors more because I knew what they did and what they went through.

I love the Book of Mormon with all my heart! I love this Church! I'm grateful for Joseph Smith and going into the Grove on that spring morning in 1820! I'm grateful for Pres. Thomas S. Monson for leading and guiding us today! This Church is true! I have gained a firm and strong testimony of the truthfulness of the Church.