Sticks of Joseph and Joseph

Sticks of Joseph and Joseph

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Father's Day

Today is Father's Day. I love my dad with all my heart. He's awesome. But I'm not going to forget my Heavenly Father. We are all children of God. No matter what anyone tells you, YOU ARE A CHILD OF GOD! President Thomas S. Monson of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints said “Heavenly Father loves you—each of you. That love never changes.” I promise you that it never changes. If you think He hates you, quoting Pres. Dieter F. Uchtdorf, STOP IT! Yes I'm yelling it. Stop it! Heavenly Father's love is so much that you can't comprehend it. His Son Jesus Christ loves you too! This is a promise and I don't break promises.

So for Father's Day we should also remember our Father in Heaven who is there for us and loves us. We were with him in the pre-mortal life and He is still with us here in this life. When you have trials and tribulations, go to Him in sincere prayer and ask for help. He will help you. If you get discouraged because you weren't blessed just then, remember this, it's in HIS timing not ours. I'll admit that it drives me up the wall that I have to wait for something but I do know that I will be blessed. I never realize it until after it has happened. I am very blessed. We are all very blessed to have Him in our lives. I always talk to Him. About everything. You know how you talk to your earthly father about what's going on in your life? Heavenly Father wants to know it too. Yes, He does watch what we're doing but He still wants to hear it. Speak to Him! Even if you are mad you can yell at Him. I have and I have felt better but I always tell Him that I love Him. It's just nice to get some frustrations out. Believe me, after I yell at Him and tell Him I love Him, I feel His loving arms around me embracing me. I tell Him about my day, frustrations, confusions. Maybe He doesn't answer but going to the scriptures is His way of replying back to me. The scriptures are a wonderful thing to read. They are written by God's mouthpieces, His prophets. Moses, Abraham, Joseph Smith, Pres. Monson and many, many others have written the words that God has told them.

So on this Father's Day remember your earthly dad but also and most importantly, remember your Heavenly Father. He loves and cares for you deeply. I testify that He is there for you! Amen.

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