Yesterday was my 4th Great Grandma Jane Johnston Black's birthday. I did a little thing for her.
Jane Johnston Black was born June 11, 1801 in Antrim Ireland to Daniel Johnston and Margaret Chambers. Her father was a minister for the Wesleyan Methodists. She took over for him when she was 16 and was a minister til she was 20 when she lived with William Black, who was her guardian when her father passed away. William "Y" Black was in the British army and came home and courted Jane. They married July 31, 1822. They had four children: William Valentine, Mary, George and Joseph Smith Black (he's my 3rd Great Grandpa!). In 1834 or 35, they moved to Manchester, England for work. While there, they heard the Mormon Missionaries. William Clayton (who wrote "Come, Come Ye Saints") and Joseph Fielding spoke of the restored Gospel. They both believed and were baptized Jan. 14th, 1839. They were also friends of John Taylor's and Brigham Young's who were also serving there. William desired to become a missionary and went with John Taylor and others to Ireland to preach the gospel. While William was on his mission, Mary had gone to Kirtland with a few Saints and in 1840, Jane and her 3 boys sailed to Nauvoo. There was a bad storm. One of the older boys had said something in tongues and Jane interpreted it saying that they'd dock in England and they'd continued on and be safe. The ship Chaos was docked the next day a few got off but they continued onto Nauvoo. They arrived in Nauvoo and met the Prophet Joseph Smith. She was excited to meet the Prophet of God. He had called her to be a midwife.
When Joseph, his brother Hyrum, Willard Richards and John Taylor were in Carthage, Joseph and Hyrum were murdered. Willard Richards was the only one not harmed. John Taylor was hit twice. One in the leg and the other in the chest but his pocket watch had stopped the bullet. John Taylor wouldn't let them operated until Jane was there. She had asked him later why he sent for her. He said "Because I knew there was none better at such a job, and wanted you to stand at the morning of the resurrection and testify to the Lord against the assassins who murdered the Prophet and his brother Hyrum." She helped nurse him back to health. William had come home before then and had to go to Canada to get his pension from the army. When people where trying to figure out who was to become the next prophet, Brigham Young spoke and Jane heard and saw Joseph in Brigham. She knew, as with others, that he was to become the next prophet. He had called her to become a midwife when they crossed the plains and told her that she wouldn't lose a mother or child. She didn't.
When they were going to cross the Mississippi, the mobs were trying to take their fire arms. She had one in her bosom. She pulled it out and said she'd use it before they could take it from her. They left her alone. Another time she was hiding the guns under a quilt. The mob asked her what she was doing. She told them that they had the power to resurrect and that's what she was doing. The men said she was crazy and they left her alone saving the arms!
They crossed the plains and settled in Utah. Brigham and called them to move to Manti. They later moved to Rockville. Jane was called to amputate a man's leg. The man was swearing and mad. She said that he should be thankful. He asked why and she said "because you didn't lose both legs." She had amputated his leg with just a butcher knife.
When she passed away she was in her home and her daughter in law came to help her. Sarah's 12 year old son Parley came. He said ‘I remember I was sitting on a chair in the front room by Grandma and she called my mother, who was in the kitchen, and wanted her to open the door. She came in and said, ‘there is no one out there.’ Grandma said, ‘Joseph and Hyrum is out there.’ Uncle Parley said, ‘I was just a young boy but I remember it seemed like every hair on my head stood up. Mother walked over and opened the door to satisfy Grandma, then mother walked back into the kitchen and Grandma just slumped down in her chair and was gone.’ Uncle Parley really felt Joseph Smith and Hyrum came to escort Grandma Jane to the spirit world. From Rita N. Black who married a decedent of Joseph Smith Black.
Jane was a woman of courage and strength. She is my hero. I love hearing and reading the stories about her. She's just a wonderful woman and one of my heroes! I can't wait til I pass on and can meet her and my other ancestors. That will be an awesome family reunion! That's one I'll REALLY be looking forward to. So Happy Birthday, Jane! You're in my heart! I want to be like her firm in the faith.
Hey Cousin! I love this woman too! Thanks for posting. Tamsin Calvert Barlow
ReplyDeleteIt's awesome to know there's another cousin out there! Thanks. :)
ReplyDeleteI had no idea I had a distant cousin out there who felt the same way I do about Jane!
ReplyDeleteBrooke, So glad to know I have more relatives out there on the Black line! Jane's amazing. Have you read the book "Ireland to Utah: Odyssey of the William Black and Jane Johnston Family"? It's by Wendel K. Walton, Guy L. Black and Harvey B. Black. It's really good. It came out last year. It's something to get to add to your genealogy.
ReplyDeleteSo funny to find even more distant family members that live so close.....I have to say though, it's really helpful to have more information (especially when writing a genealogy report for school). The book helps to have, but it kinda skimps on a detail or two....so thanks for the extra resource! ^_^
ReplyDeleteI find it funny too! Where do you live Tyler? I think since writing this entry, I've found more relatives! It's so awesome.
ReplyDeleteHey my name is Cheyenne. I am 17 yrs old. Jane is my 3rd great Great grandmother. She has been such an hero in my life reading her story keeps my spirits high when im sad. thank you for writing this. I am doing a documentary on her for a Creative writing class im taking. this info helps so much.
ReplyDeleteCheyenne, There is a book out about Jane and William Black! I can't remember where I put it but I'll find it and send you the link. So far it's a good book. Here's the website for it. blackfamilybook.wordpress.com/ She's a hero to me too! I have been to her grave and stuff in Rockville, Utah. I also went to the museum in Fillmore and saw William's original grave, his sword and held his cane! It was amazing. So glad to "meet" another relative! Your documentary sounds interesting. good luck with it. :)
ReplyDeleteOh is that the Ireland to Utah: Odyssey of the William Black and Jane Johnston Family. By Guy L. Black, Wendel K. Walton? beacuse i just bought it to help me with my Documentary. Its awesome to find relitives while learning my family histroy
ReplyDeleteHi Kersti Lou, I loved reading this! Jane is also my great grandma and she is one of the most amazing women I know of and is a hero to me as well!
ReplyDeleteI would really love to know where you got all of your scources if you could tell me! I want to know as much about her as possible!
Sorry I didn't see the comments til now! Here's a link to Joseph Smith Black http://josephsblackfamily.com/index.html
ReplyDeleteand also to get the book Ireland to Utah...On Jane and William. I highly recommend it!
Unfortunately Wendel K. Walton and Gary L. Black both passed away last year. I'm sure their families are still running Joseph Smith Black's page. Thanks for reading the blog and knowing I have more relatives out there! This makes me excited! :)
My grandma Cheryl Black Roper wrote the book Jane Black and has Janes Son's diary with accounts of the things she did. I am doing my National History Day Project on her and I think that's so cool that I have so many relatives through her. At the end of my grandma's book or at the beginning I can't remember it says that Jane has over 2,000 descendants
ReplyDeleteMcKayla, I married into the family of one of Jane's descendants. I'd really like to talk to your grandmother and ask her questions about one of the people she mentions in the book as I might be related to them. Can you please email me??? danielandlitany@gmail.com
DeleteI have read that book many times. I enjoyed it. My grandma has a copy. It's amazing knowing how many descendants Jane and William had. Good luck on your project. You'll do great! :)
ReplyDeleteWell hello family how are you all? Jane Johnston and William Black are my 5th great grandparents. I reside here in St. George Utah. I found it really interesting there is someone in my parents wars but at the time when I was in High School he was our bishop and mentioned that his third or fourth great grand father is William Clayton who wrote come come ye saints. I had no idea who Jane and William were at this time I was not into genealogy at the time. But it is really fascinating that out of all of the people in this world his great, great, great grandson happens to be our bishop which his family served a mission and taught and baptized Jane and William in the church I just found that very neat and just wanted to share that with you all :-)
ReplyDeleteSo awesome! Thanks for sharing! I found out a few years ago that my best friends ancestor James Pace was the company leader that Jane and the family was in! I thought it was awesome. He also settled in Payson, Utah which is where I live. The world is pretty small.
DeleteWonderful to hear from fellow descendants of this remarkable woman. Happy Pioneer Day!
ReplyDeleteWonderful to hear from fellow descendants of this remarkable woman. Happy Pioneer Day!
ReplyDeleteWonderful to hear from fellow descendants of this remarkable woman. Happy Pioneer Day!
ReplyDeleteJane is my 3rd great grandmother and one of my heroes! I love the amazing stories about her. It wasn't until after my husband and I were married that we learned of our family connection—his 3rd great grandfather is William Clayton, and as you know, the one who baptized Jane and William. Our kids have such a cool family history story!
ReplyDeleteThat's awesome about the connection! We do have some cool family history.