Sticks of Joseph and Joseph

Sticks of Joseph and Joseph

Friday, October 14, 2016

To Whom Shall We Go?

Recently the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints watched and listened to General Conference. We have conference every 6 months in April and October. It's Saturday and Sunday. The talks are about coming closer to Christ, being aware of the snares of Satan, studying the Book of Mormon and many other things. I am always spiritually edified after listening to the talks.

There is a talk I want to talk about by Elder M. Russell Ballard who is a member of the Quorum of he Twelve Apostles. It's entitled "To Whom Shall We Go?" He talked about his trip to the Holy Land and while they were in the Upper Room where they had the Last Supper, he read from John 17:9,11,20-21
“I pray for them that they may be one, as we are. …
“Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word;
“That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us.”
Elder Ballard talks about family and how he wants to be one with Heavenly Father and Christ and also his own family. Our family, friends, the Lord and the restored Gospel relationships are what is most important in this life. They should be cherished, nurtured and protected. 

Elder Ballard goes on to talk about the disciples of Christ walked away because His teachings and doctrines were too hard to accept. Christ asked the twelve apostles “Will ye also go away?" (John 6:67). Then Peter replied
“Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life.
“And we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God.” (John 6:68-69 emphases added)

Other focused on what they couldn't accept while the apostles focused on what they did believe and follow Christ. Is this how we should be? Should we follow Christ on what we do know and by studying His words with the help of the Holy Ghost which the apostles also received we will know more of Christ's teachings. 

Today many of the people are leaving the Church because they do not understand Christ's teachings and doctrines. They may claim it's too hard or they just do not want to try and be tired of the well doing they have done. They may leave because of Church policies. Those do come from the Lord. The Church leaders are apostles of Christ and also mouthpieces for Christ. Things also have a way of resolving themselves if we but patiently pray for and wait for the answers from the Lord.

Elder Ballard poses the question to those who may be faltering in their faith:
“To whom shall [you] go?” If you choose to become inactive or to leave the restored Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, where will you go? What will you do?"

I have seen those who have gone inactive or leave the Church change and becoming more into the ways and thoughts of the world instead of what Christ would have us do. It is a heartbreaking thing to watch. 

Elder Ballard quotes Elder Neal A. Maxwell, “We should not assume that just because something is unexplainable by us it is unexplainable.” 

He gives some encouraging words if anyone is thinking about leaving the Church: "I encourage you to stop and think carefully before giving up whatever it was that brought you to your testimony of the restored Church of Jesus Christ in the first place. Stop and think about what you have felt here and why you felt it. Think about the times when the Holy Ghost has borne witness to you of eternal truth.
Where will you go to find others who share your belief in personal, loving Heavenly Parents, who teach us how to return to Their eternal presence?

Where will you go to be taught about a Savior who is your best friend, who not only suffered for your sins but who also suffered “pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind” so “that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities,” including, I believe, the infirmity of loss of faith?

Where will you go to learn more about Heavenly Father’s plan for our eternal happiness and peace, a plan that is filled with wondrous possibilities, teachings, and guidance for our mortal and eternal lives? Remember, the plan of salvation gives mortal life meaning, purpose, and direction.

Where will you go to find a detailed and inspired Church organizational structure through which you are taught and supported by men and women who are deeply committed to serving the Lord by serving you and your family?

Where will you go to find living prophets and apostles, who are called by God to give you another resource for counsel, understanding, comfort, and inspiration for the challenges of our day?

Where will you go to find people who live by a prescribed set of values and standards that you share and want to pass along to your children and grandchildren? 
And where will you go to experience the joy that comes through the saving ordinances and covenants of the temple?"

We know that living the teachings and doctrines of Christ can be hard but with faith, prayer and the help of the Holy Ghost we can live those teachings. We can take a break, see where we are and not rush on the path. We should always refresh ourselves with the living water of Christ. 

We should never abandon the truths that Joseph Smith has taught. We need to continually apply the teachings of the Book of Mormon to our lives by study, ponder and prayer. 

When we wander off the straight and narrow path dangers come and we can end up in the mist of darkness and be led away by the teachings of the world. 

Let us not leave the safety of the "Good Ship Zion" where Heavenly Father and Christ are at the helm. Through the storms we can survive with study, ponder, prayer and unwavering faith in Christ and His teachings.  

Partake of the goodness of the Gospel which is through the study of the scriptures. 

Remember "to whom shall you go" and salvation comes through Christ. 

I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior and Redeemer. I know the scriptures to be true. This is Christ's church restored again once more upon the earth never to be taken away. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Young Women Personal Progress!

I never received my Young Women Personal Progress necklace when I was in Young Women's. Young Women's is an organization in the LDS Church for girls 12-18. They learn the different values and how to prepare for life. I did work on my Personal Progress but I never completed it. So now at the age of 31 I'm going to! I want to try and finish it before my 32nd birthday in August. This is my goal. Let's hope I can do it. The Young Women have a theme and it goes like this:

We are daughters of our Heavenly Father,
who loves us and we love Him.
We will "stand as witnesses of God at all times
and in all things, and in all places" (Mosiah 18:9)
as we strive to live the Young Women values, which are:
             FAITH * DIVINE NATURE
                          and VIRTUE
We believe as we come to accept and act
upon these values, we will be prepared
to strengthen home and familiy,
make and keep sacred covenants, receive
the ordinances of the temple, and enjoy
the blessings of exaltation.

The Young Women recite this every week in class. There is a newest value which is Virtue. That was wasn't there was I was in YW. Neither was "to strengthen home and family" that was added just before I left YW. So the first one I'm working on is FAITH! There are 3 required value experiences to do and then additional value experiences and you can complete the 3 out of 4 values. Then you work on a value project and there's a list of what to do. There are 4 ideas to do and you can just choose one project to do. You can go your own pace with doing Personal Progress.

So onto my first part in FAITH.

The first part talked about is having faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. It suggests to read scriptures from reading Hebrews 11; Alma 32:17-43; Ether 12:6-22 and Joseph Smith History 1:11-20. Read 2 Conference talks about faith. Then learning to exercise your own faith with morning and evening prayers. Then talk with your parent or leader about it. I'll be talking to my mom about it. And also write in your journal about your thoughts and feelings.
I read the scriptures and also read 2 talks. One was by Elder Richard C. Edgley who's the First Councelor in the Presiding Bishopric. His talk was called "Faith-The Choice is Yours" It was in the October 2010 General Conference. You can look it up at The other talk was by Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley called "The Miracle of Faith" and that was in Conference April 2001.

Faith is something we need in life as we study the gospel of Jesus Christ. Faith is gaining a testimony and having a small seed planted in you and as you build and nourish the seed of faith by praying, studying the scriptures and attending church it will grow. If you do not nourish and strengthen it, it will wither and die. Just like the plants we plant in the ground. If we do not give it water and the nutrients it needs it will die. Pres. Hinckley said "it is faith that is the converter." Having faith in the Holy Ghost and also our Heavenly Father and our Savior Jesus Christ will help our seed grow.

Another part is about the 2000 Stripling Warriors in The Book of Mormon. In Alma 56 we find that there is war going on and the 2000 Stripling Warriors follow Helman into battle. They know they may die but because of the faith of their mothers and what they taught the young men when they were little, they knew that whatever would happen to them, the Lord would be with them. They had that faith planted in them when they were young and continued to let it grow as they grew older and did as they were taught to pray and study the words of the Lord. A mother's role is a very important one! While the fathers are out providing for their families, it is the mother who is to teach their children the difference of right and wrong. It is very important for today! Kids are not being taught by their mothers because the mother is in the workforce and then are too tired to teach their children the ways of the Lord and the children are going the ways of the world and are not taught to respect others. By drawing close to the Lord and teaching our children, we can turn them to the Lord and create goodness instead of evil. Though I'm not a mother, I can still help teach my niece and nephews right and wrong alongside their parents. But the teaching moments in a young child's life is important for them to know how to be in society. This is what we need!

In the Bible Dictionary under Faith, it says that "faith is to hope for things which are not seen, but which are true, and must be centered in Jesus Christ in order to produce salvation." Faith is of action and power and can heal the sick. I have called upon my father to give me a Priesthood blessing when I am sick or am in need of help. I have to have the faith in order for the Lord to bless me. If I don't have the faith, it won't work. "Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone." James 2:17. So what does this mean? We must have faith in things or it is dead. Many prophets from Adam to Pres. Thomas S. Monson have had to work on faith and work at it. They took action to keep the faith! They didn't just say "I have faith" and do nothing, they worked at it. It can wither away just as quick as it is to build it. So, faith without works is dead!

I have faith in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I have a testimony of it and I have had the faith and works to keep it growing. The Book of Mormon is true and goes hand in hand with the Bible. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and Thomas S. Monson is the Lord's mouthpiece for us today. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Father's Day

Today is Father's Day. I love my dad with all my heart. He's awesome. But I'm not going to forget my Heavenly Father. We are all children of God. No matter what anyone tells you, YOU ARE A CHILD OF GOD! President Thomas S. Monson of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints said “Heavenly Father loves you—each of you. That love never changes.” I promise you that it never changes. If you think He hates you, quoting Pres. Dieter F. Uchtdorf, STOP IT! Yes I'm yelling it. Stop it! Heavenly Father's love is so much that you can't comprehend it. His Son Jesus Christ loves you too! This is a promise and I don't break promises.

So for Father's Day we should also remember our Father in Heaven who is there for us and loves us. We were with him in the pre-mortal life and He is still with us here in this life. When you have trials and tribulations, go to Him in sincere prayer and ask for help. He will help you. If you get discouraged because you weren't blessed just then, remember this, it's in HIS timing not ours. I'll admit that it drives me up the wall that I have to wait for something but I do know that I will be blessed. I never realize it until after it has happened. I am very blessed. We are all very blessed to have Him in our lives. I always talk to Him. About everything. You know how you talk to your earthly father about what's going on in your life? Heavenly Father wants to know it too. Yes, He does watch what we're doing but He still wants to hear it. Speak to Him! Even if you are mad you can yell at Him. I have and I have felt better but I always tell Him that I love Him. It's just nice to get some frustrations out. Believe me, after I yell at Him and tell Him I love Him, I feel His loving arms around me embracing me. I tell Him about my day, frustrations, confusions. Maybe He doesn't answer but going to the scriptures is His way of replying back to me. The scriptures are a wonderful thing to read. They are written by God's mouthpieces, His prophets. Moses, Abraham, Joseph Smith, Pres. Monson and many, many others have written the words that God has told them.

So on this Father's Day remember your earthly dad but also and most importantly, remember your Heavenly Father. He loves and cares for you deeply. I testify that He is there for you! Amen.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Discover the Book/Called to Share

An event is going on on Facebook, Twitter, etc. It's called Discover the Book or if you like hashtags #discoverthebook.

It's on how to share or discover the Book of Mormon! You just take a picture of yourself behind a BOM. Just like I did in the above picture. Then you post your testimony of the Book of Mormon and also when you discovered it. It's easy and fun! Post it on your FB page too and let your friends who aren't members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints know you love the Book of Mormon and want them to discover it and read it for themselves.

I know that the Book of Mormon is true. It is another testament of  Jesus Christ. It goes hand in hand with the Bible. It is the Stick of Joseph as said in the Bible (Stick of Judah). It's a wonderful book to read and study. I love this book.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Regional Stake Conference

Today was Regional Stake Conference. Over a 100 stakes in Utah County gathered together in different church houses and also at the Marriott Center at BYU. It was amazing! Six speakers gave wonderful talks on attending the temple, family history, being single, having faith, knowing who we are spiritually, and having His spirit with us. Richard J. Maynes talked about who we are. He asked the question "who am I?" When asked this we say oh, I'm a teacher, doctor, or whatever your profession is. But we must remember that we are all children of God! We really are! We always forget that in this day and age when people bombard us with things of the world and we forget who we really are. He also talked about remembering. In Helaman 5:12 it says "And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall." It is the most important thing to do. He said "when we remember who we are we can overcome Satan."
Sister Rosemary M. Wixom talked about keeping on the path towards Heavenly Father. Jesus Christ is our anchor during stormy times. we are to bring the spirit in our homes and strengthen our homes. She said "When we focus on Christ we'll know what's important." We also need to prepare our children to live the gospel and hold strong to our Anchor.
John A. McCune said that "life would be easier if lived through Christ." We should make righteous choices and continue to make righteous choices and be free. Ultimate freedom comes from faith in Jesus Christ. Be engaged in His work and invite others to come unto Christ.
Sis. Sydney S. Reynolds talked of temples and family. "As we attend the temple we will be taught to serve Heavenly Father."
William R. Walker also spoke about temple and temple work. Doing baptisms by proxy for our ancestors will bring us closer to them. We will come to know and love them more. Blessings come through the temple and are powerful and wonderful.
Sister Oaks (wife of Elder Oaks) spoke on being single. She got married to Elder Oaks when she was in her fifties. Elder Oaks had been married before but his wife passed away and he later married Sister Oaks. She said to change our behavior, and involve ourselves in activities. We need to study the scriptures more and become familiar with them. We should ask "what more can I do right?" instead of "What am I doing wrong?" when it comes to finding a future spouse. She said "Step up and be the best you can be."
Elder Dallin H. Oaks talked about many things. He said we must choose Christ's way over the world's way The world will hate us for following Christ and doing what is right and will try and pull us down. We must keep the commandments and always have His spirit with us. Trust in the Lord's timing. Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ helps us through life. Commit to put the Lord first in our lives. And we should always be a witness to the Lord.
General Conference is coming up. I'm looking forward to hearing from our beloved prophet Pres. Thomas S. Monson. I have a ticket to the Saturday afternoon session! It will be wonderful. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the true church on earth today. The Book of Mormon is true. Joseph Smith did see Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. He was a true prophet just as Pres. Monson is a true prophet leading and guiding us today. I love this Gospel with all my heart, might, mind and strength. I'm so happy to have been raised to know this. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Have you heard of Ring Masters?

You haven't? Well, let me tell you about them! They have LDS jewelry and other items you may want. It's awesome! That's where my CTR rings are from. Love that place. It's so cool. Here's the link: Go there! Go get your CTR rings or whatever else you want! I love my rings. I wear my CTR ring all the time. So so check it out. You won't regret it.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

General Conference

General Conference comes every 6 months. April and October. It's a time to gather together as Saints and listen to our Church leaders. Latter day Saints gather all over the world at home or at church. Or if you're lucky, in the Conference Center in Salt Lake City. It's two days Saturday and Sundays. They have Priesthood session Saturday night. There are a total of 5 sessions. The leaders talk about family, faith, loving others, the Lord and other things like that. It's a very spiritual Conference. I love listening to Pres. Monson and the rest of the leaders. I can feel their spirits no matter where I watch Conference. They are called of God to lead His Church today. The Ensign comes out the next month and we can go back and read the talks. It's also on where you can listen to it and read the text. I love technology so we can go back to listen to it. I always take notes when listening to the speakers so I can write down something they said or how I felt or any inspiration I may feel. I go back to that to read what I had felt. I love the Spirit I feel when I listen to them. This Church is true. Pres. Thomas S. Monson is a true prophet of God. Joseph Smith did see the Father and the Son. the Book of Mormon is true. It is the second testament of Jesus Christ. Amen. If you have questions if these are true, pray to the Father if it's true. As my seminary teacher once said "if you want to know if Joseph Smith really saw God, ask Him He was there." Pray and ask in faith as Joseph did in the grove. You'll get your answer.