Sticks of Joseph and Joseph

Sticks of Joseph and Joseph

Sunday, May 6, 2012

General Conference

General Conference comes every 6 months. April and October. It's a time to gather together as Saints and listen to our Church leaders. Latter day Saints gather all over the world at home or at church. Or if you're lucky, in the Conference Center in Salt Lake City. It's two days Saturday and Sundays. They have Priesthood session Saturday night. There are a total of 5 sessions. The leaders talk about family, faith, loving others, the Lord and other things like that. It's a very spiritual Conference. I love listening to Pres. Monson and the rest of the leaders. I can feel their spirits no matter where I watch Conference. They are called of God to lead His Church today. The Ensign comes out the next month and we can go back and read the talks. It's also on where you can listen to it and read the text. I love technology so we can go back to listen to it. I always take notes when listening to the speakers so I can write down something they said or how I felt or any inspiration I may feel. I go back to that to read what I had felt. I love the Spirit I feel when I listen to them. This Church is true. Pres. Thomas S. Monson is a true prophet of God. Joseph Smith did see the Father and the Son. the Book of Mormon is true. It is the second testament of Jesus Christ. Amen. If you have questions if these are true, pray to the Father if it's true. As my seminary teacher once said "if you want to know if Joseph Smith really saw God, ask Him He was there." Pray and ask in faith as Joseph did in the grove. You'll get your answer.

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