Sticks of Joseph and Joseph

Sticks of Joseph and Joseph

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Family History I am doing it!

And I'm also teaching it! ha ha. I love Family History. I loved my mission because that is what I got to do. I helped others find their families and I also found mine! My mom's family are not members of the Church so I got to find their names and info and do their work. Of course I had my family helping me with it. One story I want to share is about my Great Great Uncle Clarence Moore. He went to war during WWII. He was a POW and was killed. Ok so this is the story I had always heard was that he was a POW and was killed by the Japanese but it was unknown where. Supposedly 2 of his brothers were on a mission to find him and other POW's and saw the Japanese attack the ship Clarence and others had been on. Ok, so skip to my mission. I was in training to learn how to find my ancestors and also learn the New Family Search. So my trainer, Sister Christensen and I decided to find Clarence. His name is something I'd always heard when I was growing up. My mom told me of a dream she had about a man named Clarence and he kept saying to her "find me." She asked her grandma who Clarence was and that's when she found out about him. My mom didn't do anything about it. So when I went on my mission I decided I HAD to find Clarence! So we looked. We found his army number! When I was done with my training in the Joseph Smith Building I went to Access Services in the Family History Library. I continued looking then. I hit a dead end! So I prayed to Heavenly Father and said "what do I do? Where do I go from here?" A voice told me "look up Arisan Maru." So I did. It was a Japanese POW ship. The POW ship Clarence was on! I found out that the American's bombed it because it wasn't marked a POW ship like it should have been. They didn't die from that. The Japanese killed them! 8 out of 1800 survived. Clarence wasn't one of them. I could see it in my minds eye. I sat at the computer and cried. When I was looking for Clarence I had a dream where I was in a market place and I kept asking everyone if they knew where Clarence was. Nobody knew. I kept seeing a shadow turn a corner so I'd follow it. I never saw it just the shadow and kept asking if they'd seen him. This was when I was trying to find out how he died and where and when! The next few days I finally found his info. After that the dream stopped. We've done his work except for sealing to his family. I'm still a little sore at my brother for not doing his work when I was there. When we can seal Clarence to his family I WILL be there! I love genealogy. It's a wonderful thing to do. I love the stories, I love the hunt! It's a treasure hunt to find your ancestors! When I pass on I want to hold my head high saying I helped them! I helped them out of spirit prison. I helped them to progress! I want to hear them say "thank you" to me. That is a great reward right there! I want to hug Clarence and tell him how much I love him. I feel so close to him. I feel like he's watching over me. I feel all my ancestors watching over me. John H. Groberg said in April 1980 Conference "By writing personal and family histories and doing the research required thereby, we inevitably have our hearts turned to our fathers as well as to our children. The Lord says this must happen, “lest I come and smite the earth with a curse” (Mal. 4:6). Let us not be part of a curse." Let us not be part of a curse! Let us do our family history! Let us find those who are lost. Let us do the work of those who's work hasn't been done! It's a wonderful work to be apart of and the blessings will be great! I cannot wait for that reward of seeing my family who have passed on! I love them and I know they love me. I hope that you will do your family history and realize the importance of it! Let's get our family out of spirit prison if they haven't had the chance to hear the message of the Gospel when they were alive! Let's do their work. Let's make them proud of us!

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